Reworking Celestial Spirit Magic - Holy_Lotus (2024)

Here the fandom wiki so you know what cannon and what not.

So the contract stuff stays the same, contracts start with a summoning and establishment of boundaries, then they can be broken by either the mage dying, giving up the key, or the constellation having enough power to break it themselves.

The Constellations can’t kill their mage, but the mage can’t kill their Constellations either so it’s a fair trade. If either does so they lose access to the Celestial Spirit realm indefinitely.

Now the way you get to a celestial spirit key is different now. Celestial Spirit keys are often hidden or locked behind these dungeons where the key was first placed. If the mage doesn’t go about their way to give the key to someone else that the Spirit approves of then the key will teleport to these dungeons of their own volition. This makes it so you can’t just buy keys, you have to work for them and prove yourself to the Spirit so you can summon them and enter a contract.

I’ve decided to make a middle ground between Gold and Silver keys, which is Platinum, so it’ll have strong Constellations but not as strong as the Zodiac. Star Keys are keys that have to be collected and brought together, then at the end of a contract they go back to their specific dungeons very far away from each other. Also Ophiuchus is not weak anymore, they are very strong and on level with the Zodiac like they should be.


Lucy Hearfilia [Nurffing and Balancing]

I never liked how Lucy was kinda docile and op at the same time, it kinda felt like things were handed to her but also ripped away so easily that neither felt worthwhile. So I’ve taken away some of her keys and given Yukino more cause she deserves them tbh.


Lucy Heartfilia’s New Key Set

Horologium “The Pendulum Clock” [Silver Key]

Lucy had found Horologium’s dungeon when she was 12, it took her two tries before she defeated his dungeon.


Aquarius “The Waterbearer” [Golden Key - Zodiac]

Aquarius has been with the Heartfilia family since Anna. The Heartfilia’s built their manor over the Aquarius dungeon deep deep under the ground. Lucy was expected to challenge the dungeon when she was middle-aged but when Grammi died and Lucy was only 13 Aquarius found herself back in her dungeon. It took Lucy literal years but she eventually defeated the dungeon on her tenth run. That was the day she ran away from home at eighteen.

If you're wondering, Grammi was the one to take over Aquarius’ key when Layla retired she gave Aquarius to Grammi. She was a servant in the Heartfilia Manor before leaving to travel for some time. Grammi was killed by Zoldeo and the only warning was the key returning to the dungeon.


Taurus “The Golden Bull” [Golden Key - Zodiac]

Lucy found and challenged Taurus’ dungeon when she was 15 the first time she’d run away from home. It took Lucy eight tries before she got to him.


Procyon “Canis Minor” [Silver Key]

Plue was relatively easy to get, Lucy challenged his dungeon not long after she joined Fairy Tail, it only took her one try. He’s more of a dog now, like actually I imagine he looks like white Papillon dog. Lil creature really still just as dumb, doesn’t really look like a dog though kinda like a not dog really. Like he stands on his hind legs with his arms laying human-like sometimes like Happy and everyones gets real freaked out by it. Motherf*cker stands in the corner of Lucy's room in the middle of the night.


Virgo “The Maiden” [Golden Key - Zodiac]

On her first mission Lucy defeated Virgo’s master at the time, and Virgo saw that strength as reason enough to join Lucy instead of returning to her dungeon.


Loke [Leo] “The Lion” [Golden Key - Zodiac]

Loke and Lucy met under the same circ*mstances, with Loke just not doing a dungeon because he already knew Lucy well enough.


Aries “The Ram” [Golden Key - Zodiac]

After Sorano gravely wounded and almost killed Aries their contract broke and Aries was transported back to her dungeon. A few months later Lucy and Loke were able to defeat her dungeon on their fifth go and reunited with her.


Lyra “The Lyre” [Platinum Key]

Lucy had taken a short break at some point and went on a pleasure trip on her own in search of a Celestial Spirit key when she found Lyra’s dungeon. She challenged Lyra’s dungeon and got to her on her third try.


Yukino Agria’s New Key Set

Crux “The Southern Cross” [Silver Key]

The first key that Yukino ever got was Crux, she’d challenged his dungeon when she was 10 and it took her two years and fifteen tries to get through. Not to say Yukino was worse at this than Lucy, just that she wasn’t literally raised for it. Yukino kept coming back because she wanted to learn about Constellations the moment she first accidentally challenged Crux. She’s been on the grind since.


Pegasus “The Winged Horse” [Platinum Key - OC]

The second dungeon she challenged was Pegasus, this one took her six tries before she got through. She’d pushed herself so much to prove it wasn’t a fluke of dumb luck with Crux.


Pisces “The Paired Fish” [Golden Key - Zodiac]

The third key Yukino went after was Pisces, the step performance jump necessary for Gold Key dungeons gave her some shock. It took her twenty tries before she defeated Pisces’ dungeon. At the end the two fish were very proud of her determination and promised to help her grow as a celestial mage.


Deneb “The Swan” [Silver Key]

Yukino rescued Deneb from his previous abusive mage, she fought tooth and nail against this mage for Deneb. Deneb was so touched by this girl's want to help him that he gave her his key.


Libra “The Heavenly Scales” [Golden Key - Zodiac]

Yukino challenged Libra’s dungeon when she was on a mission with Sting and Rouge, another person had sent them into the dungeon to retrieve the key without telling them what was up. When Yukino figured it out she didn’t allow the other person to have Libra and fought them and their goons off. Sting and Rouge are still at large in the area.


Ophiuchus “The Snake Charmer” [Black Key - Forgotten Zodiac]

Yukino challenged Ophiuchus’ dungeon when she heard word of a secret Zodiac key, she dragged Sting and Rogue along with her as support. It was a two year commitment trip, she went into the dungeon four times, each of those times lasting well over two months each. On her fifth attempt was when she finally defeated the dungeon.


Arcas “Ursa Minor” [Silver Key - OC]

Yukino challenged Arcas about two years or so after Ophiuchus, giving herself time to recuperate. Arcas’ dungeon took her four tries before she defeated it. He’s a very cute bear cub who isn’t the brightest but knows a lot of random facts.


Sorano Agria’s New Key Set

I never really liked Sorano because it always felt like she didn’t respect her spirits all that much, at least at the beginning. When she’s defeated during the Reborn Oracion Seis arc her spirits leave her for good. Stating that they aren’t willing to work with a mage like her who mistreats them like she has. This shocks her enough that she goes through her redemption arc of course and by the time she’s joined Sabertooth she wants to prove herself of being a proper celestial Mage once again.


Caelum “The Chisel'' [Silver Key]

Caelum was the first spirit that Sorano ever found; she'd been sent by Zeref’s followers along with other slave children into its dungeon. She was the only one to make it out alive with Caelum by her side. They relied on each other for support but as Sorano had to harden her heart to survive she grew distant and their relationship strained. It was the one to push the others to leave her, it knew that Sorano wasn’t good anymore, no longer innocent and had run out of second chances.

Caelum was the first spirit that Sorano went after when she felt she was worthy again. It didn’t let her have an easy time but when they finally met again they talked for what feels like hours through the dungeon. When Sorano defeats the dungeon she promises to it that she’ll do better, that she’ll do good. And so begins their journey of recovery.


Gemini “The Twins” [Golden Key - Zodiac]

Like with Caelum, Sorano was sent into Gemini’s dungeon by Zeref’s followers along with a couple other slaves. And like before she was the only one to emerge alive.

When Sorano went looking for Gemini they did not make it easy for her. Their dungeon took literal years around three, the first 6 months just finding the dungeon in the first place. When the twins finally decided she was worthy they let her try for real. It took time and a major shift in Sorano but eventually she defeated the dungeon and found their key once again.


Sorano was not able to reconnect with Scorpio or Aries; they just weren’t about to forgive her. She got them after she’d risen the ranks in Heaven's Tower and by then was far more cruel and unjust. She doesn’t blame them for this and wishes them good luck on their future endeavors.


Rosemary Gonzales-Heartfilia

Remember that doll that became a person, Michelle Lobster? Her actual chosen name is Gonzales apparently??? Which is confusing b/c Gonzales is a last name so I’m giving her the first name Rosemary. Anyway after she’s defeated along with the rest of Reborn Oracion Seis Rosemary was allowed to try and restart her life as a living sentient being of her own will. She uses Plant and Transformation magic now. Also just gonna throw this in there Rosie is Chilean now, I don’t make the rules. Her last name is Gonzales anyway >:]


Capricorn “The Goat” [Golden Key - Zodiac]

When Capricorn’s former mage Zoldeo is defeated by Fairy Tail, he asks that Lucy let him return to his dungeon so he could get a chance to be chosen by someone worthy. So now he sits and waits in his dungeon for someone to come along who he believes actually deserves to work with him. Rosie wandered around for a while before she stumbled upon Capricorn’s dungeon. She debated whether or not to even go inside but decided that she might as well try. Capricorn had always been kind to her, even though she was just a doll to him. It took her a couple tries almost a year but eventually she got through. Capricorn was pleasantly surprised to see Rosie up autonomous all on her own. They get along pretty well actually, neither really enjoy fighting much so they decide to just travel around the world, see how far they can go.


The Pleiades “The Seven Sisters” [Star Key - OC]

The Pleiades’ key is broken down into seven pieces and spread out across the world every time after they are summoned. Hidden away in relatively easy dungeons, but it’ll take a while before you can get them all. The Pleiades separating isn’t as big of a thing as Aquarius’ key shattering, they’re meant to do that they can survive that now. But Aquarius was never meant to be broken down like that so it could be fatal to her ability to return to Earthland.

Rosie stumbled upon one of the shards and when that sister explained the challenge she and Capricorn were more than willing to embark on the journey. They’ve been looking for all the sisters for a long time now. As more and more join their party Rosie for the first time feels like she has siblings who really care. The Pleiades are the ones who start calling her Rosie after all.

When Rosie finally gets all the key shards she doesn’t use it immediately, keeping the shards apart so that she won't waste her chance. When she finally does have to use them it’s a heartfelt goodbye between the sisters. Rosie promises to find them again someday.


Lealaps “Canis Major” [Silver Key - OC]

Rosie had met Lealaps’ previous mage and saw how they mistreated him, and with the help of Capricorn and a few of the Pleiades sisters she had with her she was able to save him. Lealaps was a very grateful big pupper, he and Plue are brothers in a sense actually. He’s a giant white Samoyed with a deep borf kinda bark, who thinks he’s a lap dog it’s ridiculous. Lealaps also has that weird not-dog thing going on and it’s even more creepy cause when standing on his hind legs he’s uncomfortably tall. Rosie and Lucy are very sure they both do it on purpose.


The Employees of Heartfilia Family

Most aspiring Celestial Mages will find themselves going to the Heartfilia’s for guidance in some way, kinda like college or boarding school. Resulting in a lot of them having crossed paths with them, Lucy gets some rep from those aware.


Spetto is an older lady and former employee/servant to the Heartfilia family. She was one of many to have to leave when the company and land was sold. She has a strong connection with her spirits having had them for ages now.


Pyxis “The Compass” [Silver Key]

Pyxis was the first spirit that Spetto ever got, it didn’t take her exceptionally long to get through the dungeon but she found it challenging because she was literally sixteen and untrained. Her parents would suggest she go to the Heartfilia family to get proper training on Celestial Spirit Magic. It was kind of like college for her.


Cancer “The Great Crab” [Golden Key - Zodiac]

When Spetto was much younger she defeated Cancer’s dungeon in about a year. She’d been studying with the Heartfilia family for a little over a year at that point, they’d given her a lot of advice on how to take the dungeon. When the Heartfilia company was sold and she had to quit, she went on to work at a hair salon with Cancer by her side. They actually quite like their new job, taking everything slow and such.



Bero was Lucy’s Celestial Magic teacher when she was younger. He’s an old man and walks with a cane. He’s had a few other celestial spirits but by now those contracts have been terminated, the one he has now is the only one who decided to stay.


Lepus “The Hare” [Silver Key - OC]

Lepus isn’t the first spirit Bero’s ever gotten but they connected really quickly, they’re kinda like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland but has a similar personality to Bunnymund from Rise Of The Guardians, they can’t speak though so they sign. They fight with war clubs if you're wondering. Now Lepus and Bero have quietly retired to the countryside we’re Lepus can run free as they wait for Bero to die. It’s a peaceful and happy ending of an existence, neither would want it to happen another way.


The Other Celestial Keys

Golden Keys [Zodiac]

Scorpio “The Scorpion'' - Mage

Scorpio left Sorano the moment he had the chance, and returned to his dungeon. Lot’s of mages tried to defeat his dungeon until his current mage made it through. Scorpio’s mage isn’t Lucy, mainly because I see no reason as to why she should be. And it would be funnier if all Lucy knew about Aquarius’ bf was that he’s Scorpio. Then they end up meeting him during battle, and the couple refuses to fight each other and just brag about their mages to each other. Scorpio would try and talk up his mage to get them to befriend Lucy so he can stay with Aquarius. The Mage and Lucy end up becoming penpals talking about whatever Scorpio and Aquarius are getting up to.


Sagittarius “The Archer” - Mage

Sagittarius is currently with a mage who runs archery class. The mage themselves sought out Sagittarius purely to have more help and another pro archer. Their kind off alot cause well when all your students are contradictory preteens life can be hard. It’s a “your dying [teaching the kids] with me” kind of relationship.


Platinum Keys

Orion “The Hunter” [OC] - Mage

I don’t know what to do with Orion, I want him there but I’m not sure If I want him to even be an attainable key. I’m leaning towards him just being difficult, lost at sea maybe. And having major beef with Scorpio cause they killed each other in the myth about them. Stuff like that.


Callisto “Ursa Major” [OC] - Mage

Currently not found by anyone but she’s wandering the area of her dungeon which is a large section of some woods. She’s a giant f*cking bear, Arcas is her son like in myth. Many have tried to defeat her dungeon but she’s actually really dangerous.


Heracles “The Demigod” [OC] - Mage

Heracles is currently unfound by any mage, he’s not meant to be really. He protects the gate between the spirit world and all the other realms. It’s a lonely job but he doesn’t mind very much, he’s doing what must be done *closed eyes sad face emoji*.


Star Keys

Hydra “The Many Headed Serpent” [OC] - Mage

Like the Pleiades sisters the Hydra is split into many pieces of seven at least at first. Every time they are used they separate again and multiply by two. There are now a metric f*ck ton of Hydra key shards around the world. 2,401 shards to be exact; it's only been used four times so far. It’s literally basically impossible to bring them back into a key anymore.


Reworking Celestial Spirit Magic - Holy_Lotus (2024)
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